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iSAQB CPSA-F : Certified Professional for Software Architecture Foundation Level Practice Tests

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Exam Number : CPSA-F
Exam Name : Certified Professional for Software Architecture Foundation Level
Vendor Name : iSAQB
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CPSA-F exam Format | CPSA-F Course Contents | CPSA-F Course Outline | CPSA-F exam Syllabus | CPSA-F exam Objectives

Exam Detail:
The CPSA-F (Certified Professional for Software Architecture - Foundation Level) exam is designed to assess the foundational knowledge and skills of candidates in the field of software architecture. This certification is offered by the International Software Architecture Qualification Board (iSAQB). Here are the exam details for the CPSA-F certification:

- Number of Questions: The exact number of questions may vary, but the exam typically consists of multiple-choice questions, scenario-based questions, and practical exercises.

- Time Limit: The time allotted to complete the exam is typically 90 minutes.

Course Outline:
The course outline for the CPSA-F certification covers fundamental Topics related to software architecture and its principles. The course aims to provide candidates with a solid foundation in software architecture concepts and practices. The Topics typically included in the course outline are as follows:

1. Introduction to Software Architecture:
- Overview of software architecture and its importance in software development.
- Roles and responsibilities of a software architect.
- Key principles and concepts in software architecture.

2. Architecture Design and Documentation:
- Designing software architectures using architectural styles and patterns.
- Documenting software architectures using appropriate notations and techniques.
- Understanding the relationship between requirements and architecture.

3. Architecture Quality Attributes:
- Identifying and prioritizing quality attributes of software systems.
- Designing architectures that meet specific quality attribute requirements.
- Trade-offs and decision-making in architecture design based on quality attributes.

4. Architecture Views and Viewpoints:
- Creating and analyzing different views of software architectures.
- Selecting appropriate viewpoints to address various stakeholders' concerns.
- Communicating architecture decisions effectively through views.

5. Architecture Evaluation and Evolution:
- Techniques for evaluating the quality and effectiveness of software architectures.
- Identifying and addressing architecture risks and issues.
- Managing architectural changes and ensuring architectural evolution.

Exam Objectives:
The objectives of the CPSA-F exam are as follows:

- Assessing candidates' understanding of software architecture concepts and principles.
- Evaluating candidates' ability to design and document software architectures using appropriate notations and techniques.
- Testing candidates' knowledge of architecture quality attributes and their application in architecture design.
- Assessing candidates' skills in creating and analyzing architecture views and viewpoints.
- Evaluating candidates' knowledge of architecture evaluation and evolution techniques.

Exam Syllabus:
The specific exam syllabus for the CPSA-F certification may cover the following topics:

1. Software Architecture Fundamentals:
- Introduction to software architecture and its role in software development.
- Basic principles and concepts in software architecture.

2. Architecture Design and Documentation:
- Designing software architectures using architectural styles and patterns.
- Documenting architectures using appropriate notations (e.g., UML) and techniques.

3. Architecture Quality Attributes:
- Understanding quality attributes and their importance in architecture design.
- Designing architectures to meet specific quality attribute requirements.

4. Architecture Views and Viewpoints:
- Creating and analyzing different views of software architectures.
- Selecting and applying appropriate viewpoints to address stakeholders' concerns.

5. Architecture Evaluation and Evolution:
- Techniques for evaluating architecture quality and effectiveness.
- Managing architectural changes and ensuring architectural evolution.

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iSAQB Level exam format


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