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Foundry FN0-240 : Foundry Networks Certified Layer4-7 Professional Practice Tests

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Exam Number : FN0-240
Exam Name : Foundry Networks Certified Layer4-7 Professional
Vendor Name : Foundry
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FN0-240 exam Format | FN0-240 Course Contents | FN0-240 Course Outline | FN0-240 exam Syllabus | FN0-240 exam Objectives

Exam Detail:
The exam with the code FN0-240, also known as "Foundry Networks Certified Layer4-7 Professional," is a certification exam offered by Foundry Networks. This exam is designed to validate the knowledge and skills of individuals in the area of Layer 4-7 networking and the configuration and management of Foundry Networks Layer 4-7 products. Here is a detailed overview of the exam, including the number of questions and time, course outline, exam objectives, and exam syllabus.

Number of Questions and Time:
The FN0-240 exam typically consists of approximately 50 to 60 multiple-choice and scenario-based questions. The duration of the exam is 90 minutes.

Course Outline:
The FN0-240 exam covers various subjects related to Layer 4-7 networking and the configuration and management of Foundry Networks Layer 4-7 products. The specific course outline may include the following components:

1. Introduction to Layer 4-7 Networking:
- Overview of Layer 4-7 networking concepts and protocols
- Understanding the role of Layer 4-7 in network infrastructure
- Introduction to load balancing and traffic management

2. Foundry Networks Layer 4-7 Products:
- Overview of Foundry Networks Layer 4-7 product portfolio
- Understanding the features and capabilities of Foundry Networks Layer 4-7 products
- Deployment considerations and best practices

3. Load Balancing and Traffic Management:
- Load balancing algorithms and methods
- Virtual IP (VIP) configuration and management
- Server health checks and monitoring
- Session persistence and affinity

4. SSL Offloading and Acceleration:
- SSL/TLS protocols and encryption concepts
- SSL offloading configuration and management
- SSL certificate management and troubleshooting
- Performance optimization techniques

5. Application Delivery and Optimization:
- Application delivery controllers (ADC)
- Application layer protocols (HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, DNS, etc.)
- Content switching and content redirection
- Caching, compression, and content optimization

6. Security and Firewall Integration:
- Layer 4-7 security mechanisms
- Web application firewall (WAF) configuration and management
- Intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDS/IPS) integration
- Access control and authentication mechanisms

Exam Objectives:
The objectives of the FN0-240 certification exam are to assess the candidate's understanding and proficiency in various aspects of Layer 4-7 networking and the configuration and management of Foundry Networks Layer 4-7 products. The specific objectives include:

- Understanding of Layer 4-7 networking concepts and protocols
- Proficiency in configuring and managing Foundry Networks Layer 4-7 products
- Knowledge of load balancing algorithms and traffic management techniques
- Familiarity with SSL offloading and acceleration mechanisms
- Understanding of application delivery and optimization techniques
- Knowledge of security and firewall integration with Layer 4-7 products

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FN0-240 Exam

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