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Juniper JN0-1302 : Data Center Design Specialist (JNCDS-DC) Practice Tests

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Exam Number : JN0-1302
Exam Name : Data Center Design Specialist (JNCDS-DC)
Vendor Name : Juniper
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Passing the real Juniper JN0-1302 test is not an easy feat to accomplish by solely relying on the JN0-1302 coursebook or free Study Guide available online. Usually, there are complex scenarios and tricky questions that can confuse the candidate during the JN0-1302 exam. In this situation, killexams.com plays a significant role by providing Real JN0-1302 boot camp information and the VCE test simulator. To get started, simply get the 100% free JN0-1302 Study Guide before signing up for the complete version of JN0-1302 Questions and Answers. Once you have reviewed the quality of their Study Guide, be sure to take advantage of their special discount coupons. With their resources, you will be able to fully prepare for the JN0-1302 test and pass with high marks.

JN0-1302 test Format | JN0-1302 Course Contents | JN0-1302 Course Outline | JN0-1302 test Syllabus | JN0-1302 test Objectives

Exam Details for JN0-1302 Data Center Design Specialist (JNCDS-DC):

Number of Questions: The test consists of approximately 65 multiple-choice questions.

Time Limit: The total time allocated for the test is 90 minutes (1 hour and 30 minutes).

Passing Score: To pass the exam, you must achieve a minimum score of 70%.

Exam Format: The test is conducted online and is proctored. You will be required to answer the questions within the allocated time frame.

Course Outline:

1. Data Center Design Fundamentals:
- Understanding data center design principles and concepts
- Identifying customer requirements and business goals
- Analyzing environmental considerations for data center design

2. Data Center Architecture and Components:
- Understanding data center architecture models
- Designing data center networks and network infrastructure
- Evaluating storage solutions for data centers

3. Data Center Security and Virtualization:
- Implementing data center security measures and best practices
- Designing data center virtualization solutions
- Addressing security and virtualization challenges in data center design

4. Data Center Network Design:
- Designing data center LAN and WAN architectures
- Implementing high availability and redundancy in data center networks
- Addressing scalability and performance requirements in network design

5. Data Center Storage Design:
- Designing storage architectures for data centers
- Evaluating storage protocols and technologies
- Addressing data protection and disaster recovery considerations

6. Data Center Compute Design:
- Designing compute infrastructure for data centers
- Evaluating server technologies and platforms
- Addressing compute resource management and scalability

7. Data Center Management and Operations:
- Designing data center management and monitoring systems
- Addressing automation and orchestration in data center operations
- Implementing capacity planning and resource allocation strategies

Exam Objectives:

1. Understand the fundamentals of data center design.
2. Design data center architecture and components.
3. Implement data center security and virtualization solutions.
4. Design data center network infrastructure.
5. Design data center storage solutions.
6. Design data center compute infrastructure.
7. Implement data center management and operations strategies.

Exam Syllabus:

The test syllabus covers the following topics:

1. Data Center Design Fundamentals
- Data center design principles and concepts
- Customer requirements and business goals analysis
- Environmental considerations for data center design

2. Data Center Architecture and Components
- Data center architecture models
- Data center networks and infrastructure design
- Storage solutions evaluation for data centers

3. Data Center Security and Virtualization
- Data center security implementation and best practices
- Data center virtualization design
- Security and virtualization challenges in data center design

4. Data Center Network Design
- Data center LAN and WAN architecture design
- High availability and redundancy in data center networks
- Scalability and performance considerations in network design

5. Data Center Storage Design
- Data center storage architecture design
- Storage protocols and technologies evaluation
- Data protection and disaster recovery considerations

6. Data Center Compute Design
- Compute infrastructure design for data centers
- Server technologies and platforms evaluation
- Compute resource management and scalability

7. Data Center Management and Operations
- Data center management and monitoring systems design
- Automation and orchestration in data center operations
- Capacity planning and resource allocation strategies

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