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Pegasystems PEGAPCRSA80V1_2019 : Pega Certified Robotics System Architect 80V1 2019 Practice Tests

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Exam Number : PEGAPCRSA80V1_2019
Exam Name : Pega Certified Robotics System Architect 80V1 2019
Vendor Name : Pegasystems
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60 Questions

1 hr 30 mins

Passing Score: 65%

Exam Topics (% of exam)

Project Management (5%)

Identify importance of Solution Design Documents

Identify importance of Solution Architecture Documents

Recognize solution structure based on project documentation

Define types of projects created for a robotic solution

Recognize proper naming conventions of solutions and projects

System Integration (8%)

Recognize and configure Pega Robot Studio adapter types

Identify adapter properties and values of Windows adapters

Identify adapter properties and values for Web adapters

Identify adapter properties/values for Universal Web adapters

Modify the properties of an object

Interrogation (13%)

Identify elements created and used during interrogation

Recognize the difference between Web and Windows interrogation

Interrogate Web applications - standard, Select Element methods

Identify the purpose of Global web pages during interrogation

Know why and when to use Select Element to interrogate

Describe the Create Control method of interrogating

Modify match rules for windows and web adapters

Modify Universal web adapter match rules

Identify match rule best practices and common issues

Identify working panes in the Adapter Match rules tab

Add and edit match rules for an interrogated control

Debugging and Diagnostics (20%)

Evaluate data values in an automation during debugging

Update diagnostics settings

Add a diagnostic log component to an automation

Dissect a log file

Use the Automation playback feature

Clear a log file

Automations (33%)

Describe relationship between Object Explorer and automations

Implement the Object Explorer in automation development

Create an automation

Implement Message dialogs

Identify types of automation links

Create an automation procedure using Label/Jump To Components

Application and setting of UseKeys property

Implement the RaiseEvent method within an automation

Identify uses and extraction of data proxies

Create a windows form for use in a project

Describe Toolbox components: Variables, Excel file connector

Identify Decision Blocks, Comparisons, and Expressions

Describe use of utilities for Strings, Dates, and Files

Describe use of Wait logic

Differentiate use and parameters for Automation looping

Describe and implement of Assisted Sign-On

Describe and implement Start My Day, Message Manifest

Interaction Framework (13%)

Explain and modify the interaction.xml file

Configure and use the Interaction Manager component

Explain and create a project-to-project reference

Define the structure of context values

Implement an activity component

Deployment (8%)

Create Project configuration files

Use of Project deployment properties

Create a deployment package

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